

I made a shitty post earlier today, i deleted it. Mostly because it was written in norwegian, but also because I suddenly care about what´s on this blog. Why should I not? I mean, most of you readers only "know" me through this fiction world. Thats just how the reality has become. Fiction. or? So far this day has been terrific. Yesterday was a big hole of black music and tears, for no reason, so I concentrated on making the right step out of bed today - positive! At this moment I´m shuffleing through my new favorite playlist on spotify. Also I´m trying to find a new inspiring blog while drinking english tea. With milk. My rockhead boyfriend is at bandpractice, so I have the place for my own. youporn.com. kidding. heh. When that´s said - countdown.

3 days from now I`ll probably be sitting drinking coffee with a girl I`ve been longing for - Ida.
4 days until I see my precious Silje. Long time no see.
12 days. Finally I´ll have some money to buy the shoes of my dreams.
13 days. I´ll finally dye my hair. Big changes people!
22. Exam. fml.
39 days from now is heaven. Also called holiday.

...about the english writing, don´t worry - it´s just a phase.

4 kommentarer:

Marte sa...

Digger dette! <3du er så fin :)

simen sa...

du glemte maskinen og cc <33333333

Silje sa...

Åh, så koselige bilder!

dina sa...

digge bilder c: